Want to know a little more about who’s behind this?

Jesse is a fairly well-adjusted human who lives in Toronto, Canada. At one time, he was a graphic designer, but eventually was so bored out of his mind that he fled to Europe where he wandered ancient lands aimlessly for months, surviving on nothing but jam, stale bread, and museums. Compelled to at least pretend he had direction in life, Jesse completed a diploma in Acupuncture and somehow ended up in China. There, he aged a few years working in Chinese medicine hospitals, private clinics, and studying Eastern philosophy. He still doesn’t know if the chicken came before the egg, or if perhaps dung beetles came first. Also in China, he met a kung fu master who attempted to teach him ancient profound ways of self-mastery--a challenging plight indeed, because he is such an untameable wildebeast.

Afterward Jesse returned to Canada because he missed the beavers, and collaborated in the foundation of an integrated rehabilitation clinic specializing in catastrophic neurological sequelae. For the next while he spent his time developing treatment plans for complex injuries, sticking needles into people, boiling magic potions, and playfully debating with Neuroscientists. Still feeling as if a piece of the puzzle was missing, he read thousands of medical textbooks and cross-trained in nearly every alternative therapy on the planet, possibly a few from other planets as well. To balance this out, Jesse started boxing, because nothing shakes things up like a good old punch in the head.

As early as he could hold a pen, Jesse’s doodles have inspired many a question. As an artist, he’s won awards while paradoxically trying his best to prove he’s not a very good artist. Lately, he’s been spending a lot of time drinking tea, pondering dung beetles (they probably did come first), and reading archaic medical classics in a language he can barely understand. Watering, pruning, and making casual conversations with plants has also become a normal daily routine.

Generally, if you can’t already tell, Jesse has way too much on his mind, and relies on the meditative process of cappuccino making to ease the relentless onslaught of his existential-inspired inner dialogue. If you’re trying to understand how all this makes sense, don’t bother. If you do happen to figure it out, feel free to contact Jesse and explain it to him.

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Down the rabbit hole with a mad tea drinker. Exploring traditional medicine, self cultivation, and other random, tea-drunk inspired topics for existential rainy days. Motivated by an overwhelming amount of material and a bad case of serial overthinking.


A fairly well-adjusted human.